The multiagency training sessions are aimed at all partner agency staff who work with vulnerable adults. The full day training event will feature input from Social Work, MASH, Police Scotland, D&G NHS, and D&G Advocacy Service. Learning Outcomes: • The principles to be followed in Adult Protection Intervention and your role • Definition of ‘adult… Read more »
Month: March 2022
Project officer Louise joins Dumfries and Galloway Outdoor Access Trust

Her role will allow the Trust to better establish its role in the region and marks a milestone for the organisation.
Multiagency Adult Support and Protection (Level 2) Training
The multiagency training sessions are aimed at all partner agency staff who work with vulnerable adults. The full day training event will feature input from Social Work, MASH, Police Scotland, D&G NHS, and D&G Advocacy Service. Learning Outcomes: • The principles to be followed in Adult Protection Intervention and your role • Definition of ‘adult… Read more »
Grants up to £1.5m to support place-based regeneration of heritage areas

Heritage focused schemes that are located within conservation areas or distinctive heritage areas will be supported through the programme.
Invitation from council to Community Conversations ahead of tourist season

The local authority is keen to share information on its plans to welcome visitors to Dumfries and Galloway.
Over £50,000 of Lottery money goes to local Trust in Dumfries and Galloway

Part of the money was given to help mark Her Majesty The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.
Legion Scotland granted Freedom of Dumfries and Galloway

2021 was the 100th anniversary of the Legion and Dumfries and Galloway Council agreed to grant Honorary Freeman status to Legion Scotland.
Food Train launches fundraiser in final leg to create centre for older people

The charity is transforming the former council offices on English Street into its first purpose-created headquarters.
Appeal for urgent donations to support Ukraine

The Team are looking for donations of the most urgently needed item, particularly medical supplies.
Community benefit small grant scheme launches for Dumfries and Galloway

Third sector organisations, constituted community groups, amateur sports clubs, and not for profit social enterprises, can all apply.
Galloway Glens Scheme selected by OECD as a case study in ‘Innovation’

The Galloway Glens Scheme has been selected as one of only four case studies across the whole of Scotland.
Invitation made to join the Participation and Engagement Network

The PEN is managed by NHS Dumfries and Galloway on behalf of the Community Planning Partnership.
Census day on Sunday March 20

Every household in Scotland has a legal responsibility to complete a census questionnaire.
DGLocator free mobile app- mapping services across Dumfries and Galloway
Thank you for your interest in downloading our free mobile app DGLocator. It is available now to download on the Apple App Store and Android on Google Play at the links below. Android – Apple – The app showcases the services available through charities, voluntary organisations, and social enterprises within the region. Already over 1000… Read more »
Excellence Award for D&G community resilience response in pandemic

The annual CoSLA’s Excellence Awards recognise areas of best practice and innovatively delivering services.
Community organisations celebrate almost £2.5m in grant awards

Over £1.3million was awarded to successful applicants in Dumfries and Galloway and more than £1.1million in the Scottish Borders.