A new pilot is being launched later this month that aims to improve the opportunities for people with Additional Support Needs (ASN) and employment across the region.
Funded by South of Scotland Enterprise, the ASN Learning Network will share best practice, identify innovative approaches, and ensure the voice of lived experience is at the forefront in improving employment and economic opportunities for people who currently face the most barriers.
Initially online, the ASN Learning Network will focus on sharing learning, best practice, innovation as well as identifying barriers in employment opportunities for autistic people, those with learning disabilities and those with sensory impairment.
Often regarded as a population that isn’t able or willing to work, the ASN Learning Network aims to turn these perceptions on their head and provide the evidence that this population can and does contribute to economic activity.
Help to create the vision for the ASN Learning Network, an exciting pilot to increase employment opportunities in South of Scotland.
Are you an organisation that would like to create meaningful change for people with Additional Support Needs through employment? If so, the first session of the ASN Learning Network is online Friday October 22 11-1pm.
Started by Heather Hall of The Usual Place and Pauline Grigor or Borders Additional Needs Group, the ASN Learning Network is an exciting pilot supported by SOSE and facilitated by Inspiring Scotland.
Its aim is to increase employment opportunities for people with Additional Support Needs in the region. They welcome all organisations that align with this vision and who would like to be part of the network.
Initially online, the ASN Learning Network will focus on sharing learning, best practice, innovation as well as identifying barriers in employment opportunities for autistic people, those with learning disabilities and those with sensory impairment. Often regarded as a population that isn’t able or willing to work, the ASN Learning Network aims to turn these perceptions on their head and provide the evidence that this population can and does contribute to economic activity.
The first session will look at the following:
• Aims, roles and remit of the ASN Learning Network
• Vision and Values of the Network
• Themes for the year
Click on the link : https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/asn-learning-network-first-session-tickets-175525671007
In addition to the network meetings, they will also be engaging throughout the year with people with lived experience to fully understand different themes/ barriers/ opportunities.
For further information please email ASNLearningNetwork@inspiringscotland.org.uk