British Empire Medal presented to community stalwart Mairi Ann

Community stalwart Mairi Ann McIntyre has been presented with the British Empire Medal [BEM] by the Lord Lieutenant for Wigtown Aileen Brewis. 

Mrs McIntyre was recognised in the Queen’s Birthday Honours for services to the community. 

She is a highly respected and inspiring volunteer who has been involved with charity fundraising projects for more than 50 years. 

She has participated in a range of valuable work through engagement with the church, social clubs, care support groups and charity fund-raising projects. 

Lord Lieutenant for Wigtown Aileen Brewis presents the BEM to Mairi Ann McIntyre.
Lord Lieutenant for Wigtown Aileen Brewis presents the BEM to Mairi Ann McIntyre.

Mrs McIntyre has been a member of the Coronation Day Centre in Stranraer since 2001 and Chairperson since 2012.  In addition to her day-to-day activities, she has also organised special events for centre users, and played music at fundraising concerts for the centre. 

Starting as a teenage Sunday School teacher more than half a century ago, she has continued to work for the community through Ervie-Kirkcolm Parish Church where she is an Elder and Roll-keeper.

She is also the church organist, not only playing at regular services but also performing at weddings and other occasions. She also bakes and donates food for social events and is endlessly willing to help raise funds for the church’s many good causes. 

Mrs McIntyre has also been a very active member of Women’s Rural Women’s Institute for more than 50 years at Leswalt and now Kirkcolm.

A keen bowler, she was presented with gifts after 25, 30 and 40 years after having served as Secretary to the Wigtownshire Ladies Bowling Association for 40 years. She retired in 2016.

Presenting Mrs McIntyre with her British Empire Medal, the Lord-Lieutenant said: “It is my pleasure to present this award to such a vibrant, energetic and caring lady. 

“Mrs McIntyre has contributed so much to her local community over such a long time and is an absolute stalwart of the community.  She is very highly thought of by the many groups she is involved with, and this medal is thoroughly deserved.  I wish her all the best in future endeavours.” 

Mrs McIntyre said: “I have been fortunate to have taken part in so many committees which may alter things for the better and I have enjoyed the company of others.

The Lord Lieutenant presented the award in the garden of Mrs McIntyre’s home in Leswalt Road, Stranraer where a small group of her many friends enjoyed a celebratory afternoon tea.