Scotland’s Census is the official count of every person and household in the country.
It usually takes place every 10 years and asks questions about people’s age, sex, home and living situation, employment, education and qualifications, as well as ethnicity.
Completing the census is important because the answers provide the Scottish Government, and many other service providers with the data they need to make important decisions that affect people’s lives and their communities.
These decisions include how money will be spent on important services in our communities, like education, housing, healthcare, roads and railways, and so much more.
You can complete your census online or by requesting a paper copy – www.census.gov.scot/
If you need to request a paper copy, or if you need a new Internet Access Code, go to the website above
or phone the helpline on 0800 030 8308.
Every household in Scotland has a legal responsibility to complete a census questionnaire. This is vital to ensure that the census provides detailed and accurate information about the entire nation.
The person who either lives, owns, rents the property or pays the household bills is responsible for completing the census. If you live in a care home, halls of residence or hostel, and are over the age of 16, you will need to complete an individual census as well as taking part in the communal establishment questionnaire.
Detailed guidance on how to answer every question in a number of languages is available on the website and there is also further language support available via the helpline on 0800 030 8308.
If you need support or require a copy of the questionnaire in a different format please get in touch with the contact centre or go to the website. You can also ask a carer, friend or relative for help filling in your census.
If you have hearing or speech difficulties, please use the text relay service on 18001 0800 030 8308.
Census data goes unpublished for 100 years and the government is committed to ensuring the people who can access it is kept at a minimum.