Dumfries and Galloway Poverty and Inequalities Partnership has appointed its first independent chair, Professor Malcolm Foley.
The Poverty and Inequalities Partnership was formed following evaluation of Dumfries and Galloway Council’s first Anti-Poverty Strategy. The Partnership has evolved from the existing Tackling Poverty Co-Ordination Group, with additional partners appointed from the public sector, registered social landlords, and the voluntary (third) sector.
The Vision of the new Partnership is: A Dumfries and Galloway in which local action has driven poverty as low as possible and has mitigated, as far as possible, the impact of poverty when experienced.
Malcolm Foley retired from his role as Vice Principal and Dean of Business and Enterprise at the University of the West of Scotland (UWS) in May 2018. He had previously held the role of Executive Dean in Business and Creative Industries at the University of the West of Scotland.
Professor Foley worked as a member of the University of the West of Scotland’s Principal’s Executive Team for 9 years, leading on learning and teaching strategy and community engagement strategy.
Prior to joining the University of the West of Scotland, he simultaneously held professorship and management roles at Glasgow Caledonian University.
He said: “I agreed to take on this new and exciting role that will play a key part in tackling poverty and inequalities throughout our region in order to make a positive difference to as many people as possible in Dumfries and Galloway.
“I know that my new role greatly extends beyond chairing the meetings of the Tackling Poverty and Inequalities Partnership and that, as part of my leadership role, I will be ensuring the Partnership fulfils its responsibilities and ultimately achieves its vision. This will involve working closely with partners, who are all striving on a daily basis to tackle poverty and inequalities in Dumfries and Galloway”.
The Partnership’s Objectives are:
- Tackle severe and persistent poverty and destitution
- Maximise income of people facing poverty
- Reduce the financial pressures on people in poverty
- Build individuals and communities’ ability to deal with the effects of poverty
- Build organisational and system capacity
- Address barriers to access
The Community Planning Partnership Chair, Councillor, Councillor Elaine Murray, said: “We’re delighted with the appointment of Professor Foley who accepted this new post for the period of two years following a competitive interview process. Professor Foley’s exceptional experience and independence made him an incredibly strong candidate.”
For more on the work to tackle poverty within the region, click here: www.dumgal.gov.uk/poverty