The next round of the Community Led Local Development Fund in Dumfries and Galloway is on its way.
The fund priorities locally will be:
- Supporting community facilities and eligible organisations to contribute to the achievement of net zero.
- Sustaining, improving, and adding initiatives in rural communities that are most isolated, most disconnected, most in need of investment or most likely to experience inequalities.
- Helping communities to address the cost-of-living crisis and eradicate poverty for individuals and families.
- Enabling communities to carry out research, community needs assessments and feasibility studies as part of local place plan development.

Small revenue grants will be available up to £5,000 and the main revenue and capital grants programme will open to applications up to £50,000.
A Local Action Group (LAG) made up of representatives from the third, public, and private sectors decides what applications are successful.
Harry Harbottle, Chair of the LAG, said: “We welcome the funds available to the region to help deal with the multitude of issues facing our rural population. Whether it be problems with lack of transport denying access to jobs, dealing with hard to heat community buildings, local solutions around lack of affordable childcare, or articulating community needs through place planning, we will be able to use these funds to start addressing these and other issues in settlements around Dumfries and Galloway.
“We know that communities are nimble when it comes to identifying local issues and proposals on how to deal with them and we are particularly keen to see novel ways in how these issues can be addressed.”
Project start dates must be no earlier than 14th October with all activity and expenditure to be completed by 31st March next year. It is anticipated that the fund will launch by the end of July.
For more: www.tsdg.org.uk/clld/