Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund
The fourth round of the Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund has now closed.
The total funding available for groups in Dumfries and Galloway in 2024/25 was £440,157.76.
The overarching aim of the fund is to support community-based initiatives that promote and develop good mental health and wellbeing and/or mitigate and protect against the impact of distress and mental ill health within the adult population (aged 16 or over), with a particular focus on prevention and early intervention.
Specifically, it aims to:
• Tackle mental health inequalities through supporting a range of ‘at risk groups (as outlined in the Equalities section).
• Address priority issues of social isolation and loneliness, suicide prevention and poverty and inequality with a particular emphasis on responding to the cost-of-living crisis and support to those facing socio-economic disadvantage.
• Support small ‘grass roots’ community groups and organisations to deliver such activities.
• Provide opportunities for people to connect with each other, build trusted relationships and revitalise communities.
The following priorities for the Fund in Dumfries and Galloway are based on the existing strategic context at national and regional levels:
• Social isolation and loneliness.
• Suicide prevention.
• Poverty and inequality with a particular emphasis on responding to the cost-of-living crisis and support to those facing socio-economic disadvantage.

Above: Funded Early Years Scotland family sessions in Dumfries and Galloway.
In Round One, 50 community organisations across Dumfries and Galloway were successful with over £1.3million awarded to applicants.
In Round Two, a total of £445,026 was split between 33 third sector organisations across Dumfries and Galloway.
In Round Three, 30 projects in Dumfries and Galloway were funded totalling £440,217.
Third sector interfaces, including Third Sector Dumfries and Galloway, manage the fund in partnership with local integrated health authorities and other partners including Community Planning Partnerships and local authority mental health leads.
The Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund is part of the wider £120 million Recovery and Renewal Fund announced in February 2021 to ensure delivery of the commitments set out in the Mental Health Transition and Recovery Plan in response to the mental health need arising from the pandemic.