Dumfries and Galloway groups and charities will share £520,545 from The National Lottery Community Fund Scotland Awards.
Animals Supporting People at FRED – £9897 – This group will use the funding to run a weekly Sunday Club delivering animal assisted therapy sessions for people who are struggling with the long-term effects of the pandemic.
Annan Christmas Lights Committee – £4000 – This group will use the funding to bring the people of Annan and surrounding communities together through a programme of workshops providing the opportunity to take part in a Winter Wonderland themed lantern parade on Saturday 3rd December 2022.
Annan Rugby Club – £9900 – This club will use the funding to create a play park in their grounds for use by the whole community.
Balliol Court Tenants Association – £9500 – This group will use the funding to develop a community garden on housing association land on the outskirts of Auchencairn.
Barbour Memorial Hall National Lottery – £4050 – This group will use the funding to engage an architect and building professionals to create drawings and cost options to restore and improve the village hall in Glencaple, further developing the facility for the community.
Castle Douglas Community Centre Development Trust – £9250 – This group will use the funding to convert a storage space into an indoor activity space and a tea point to complement the Centre’s new community garden.
Castle Loch Lochmaben Community Trust – £10,000 – This group will use the funding to replace their boardwalk and to upgrade the path around the loch which is a well-used community resource.
Coronation Day Centre – £4380 – This group will use the funding to purchase an interactive touch screen table for use by members of the day centre which is open Monday to Friday.
DG Voice – £10,000 – This group will use the funding to develop a people-led training programme, collaborating with volunteers with lived experience of a range of disabilities to develop guides for a variety of digital tasks including email and video calls, and accessing online services.
Dumfries & Galloway Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Plus – £193,881 – This group will use the funding to continue to deliver and develop their activities across Dumfries and Galloway. LGBT+ adults and their families, carers to help reduce isolation and loneliness and improve health and well-being through access to a range of services and activities which will increase social connections and support networks.
Dumfries & Galloway ME and Fibromyalgia Network – £43,036 – This group will use the funding to develop a befriending programme to tackle isolation and loneliness among people with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia in Dumfries & Galloway. The programme aims are primarily to provide social and emotional support and rebuild confidence whilst a separate project will develop a peer mentoring programme, targeting the time of diagnosis, for help with condition management. It will benefit 60 people with the conditions and involve 20 volunteers over 2 years.
Happy Hooves Sanquhar C.I.C – £4000 – This group will use the funding to deliver a pilot project of individual and group Equine Facilitated Learning sessions aimed at improving participants confidence and self-esteem.
Home-Start Wigtownshire – £94,402 – This group will use the funding to continue to run its family groups which have recently expanded to meet demand with three weekly groups one in Stranraer, one in Sorbie and one in Newton Stewart. The groups promote good parenting skills and bonding and provide practical and emotional support for families. The project will work with 75-80 parents and 100 children over 3 years and involve 15-20 volunteers.
Independent Living Support – £96,279 – This group will use the funding to provide a support service for vulnerable young adults aged 16-25 years living in Dumfries & Galloway who require practical and emotional support, and who might be experiencing a range of problems such as financial hardship, housing issues, mental health problems, and drug and alcohol addictions. The project workers will provide advice and advocacy, and facilitate peer support groups with the aim that clients are able to live independently and well. The project is to support 180 clients over two years.
Portpatrick Harbour Community Benefit Society – £4500 – This group will use the funding to develop a wildlife friendly garden at the rear of the community-owned hub on the harbour.
Wigtownshire Stuff – £9870 – This group will use the funding to employ a support worker for its regular Friday group sessions.
WOW Women of the World – £3600 – This group based in Eastriggs will use the funding to deliver a varied programme of workshops to bring women of all ages and different experiences together.