Build. Sustain. Innovate.
Dumfries Baptist Church Centre
Third Sector Dumfries and Galloway

Build. Innovate. Sustain. is a full-day conference supporting you and your organisation to see things a little differently. Let’s imagine what the world would look like if we took bold steps with the required support in place.

Throughout the day we will hear from speakers, engage in workshops, participate in taster sessions, explore the possibilities, and understand the impact you do and can have on your community and its health and wellbeing.


Workshop 1 choice

Build: Knowledge – Improving the Cancer Journey.

Facilitator: Laura Gibson (Macmillan Improving the Cancer Journey)

We all know someone affected by cancer, unbelievably, 54 per cent of people have someone in their immediate family affected by cancer, but what is out there to support those going through the cancer journey? Macmillan Improving the Cancer Journey team are working closely with communities to build networks of support and services available to people affected by cancer. This session will help you understand how your organisation can support the cancer journey, how you probably already do, and how you can be involved in the Macmillan Improving the Cancer Journey programme.

Innovate: What Do You Do?

Facilitator: Niomi Nichol (Third Sector Dumfries and Galloway Lead for Community Health and Wellbeing)

Unpick the intricacies around the support you really deliver to your community. Delve into the nooks and crannies of your organisation and discover all of the areas you cover. This session will support you and your organisation to break down all of the areas you focus on, giving you the skills, tools, and examples to be able to evidence the vast amount of work you truly do.

Innovate: What is innovation?

Discussion forum, chaired by Event Chair, DJ McDowall. Join our panel to discuss innovation. What is innovation? What does it mean to you? What does it mean to the panel? What does it mean to your community? And what does embracing innovation men for your organisation and the community it supports? Panel members are: Angela Catley – Recently retired Director of Development at Community Catalysts CIC, author and co-founder of the #WhenIGetOld campaign; Viv Gration – Deputy Head of Strategic Planning and Commissioning, Dumfries and Galloway NHS; Frank Hayes – Creative Health Programme Coordinator, DG Creative Wellbeing/OutPost Arts, Creative Director of For Enjoyment CIC

Sustain: Full cost recovery and sustainability

Facilitators: David Link (Consultant) and Jane Stanistreet (Third Sector Dumfries and Galloway)

Understand the importance of full cost recovery in the sustainability of your organisations financial planning. David Link, freelance consultant, and Jane Stanistreet, TSDG’s Lead for Funding and Fund Management, will lead this session to develop your knowledge of full cost recovery, fair funding and sustainability.

Workshop: Intergenerational Communities

Facilitator: Alison Clyde (CEO of Generations Working Together)

Workshop 2 choice

Sustain: Autism and the Workplace

Facilitator: Alison Ball, Autism Awareness Officer for The Usual Place

A ‘Fireside Chat’ with The Usual Place’s Lived Experience Trainers and Autism Awareness Officer on Autism and employment. A panel discussion followed by the opportunity to ask your own questions and an activity to encourage you to think about your own workplace. Hear directly from Autistic people about their experiences – what has enabled them to thrive in the workplace, what impact the role of Lived Experience has had on the organisation, and how the training they lead is helping other organisations to be even more inclusive.

Innovate: Thinking outside the box

Facilitators: Louise Wilson (Outside The Box) Sally Hinchcliffe (Cycling Dumfries)

Is innovation about doing something different or doing something different to you? Join a discussion forum of organisations who have diversified what they do to be able to support more members of their community without losing the main focus or core values of their organisation. Hear their experiences and share your own.

Build: Knowledge – Think Carer

Facilitator: Cheryl Murray (Care Training and Consultancy)

Unpaid Carers save the Scottish economy £3.1billion every single year. Unpaid Carers support the people they love and care about to fulfil their outcomes every single day. ‘Think Carer’ training supports delegates in identifying and supporting Carers. Cheryl Murray works with Carers every day and supports Carers to deliver the life changing support they deliver at home, 24 hours a day.

Build: Partnership for a purpose

Facilitator: Kevin Carroll (Glasgow Council for the Voluntary Sector)

Sustain: Fair Funding and sector challenges

Facilitators: Steve Grozier & Kirsten Hogg (Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations)

A thought-provoking discussion with Steve Grozier (research officer) and Kirsten Hogg (head of policy and research) from SCVO on their Fair Funding work and the results of the Third Sector Tracker, giving thought to the challenges faced by the sector and the future sustainability.