The People’s Project and Dumfries and Galloway Council began a project at the beginning of last year that would result in improvements to an area of Maxwelltown.
What began as an innocent conversation, resulted in the car park at Glasgow Street and the corner of Galloway Street having a makeover.
In Spring 2022, Dumfries and Galloway Council gardeners cleared the flower beds at the car park of diseased trees and shrubs, keeping the older trees were still healthy. The walls were repaired, and potholes were filled. This opened up the area and allowed plans to made for the future.
Collaborative working between the Dumfries and Galloway Council and the People’s Project meant a new specially designed fence was erected, and the Council gardeners – assisted by volunteers from the People’s Project – planted hundreds of perennial plants which ensured a beautiful display throughout most of the year.
In addition to the upgrades around the car park area, two interpretation boards about the history of ‘Old Maxwelltown’ have been installed at the corner of Galloway Street – opposite the Spread Eagle Inn and the Family History Society. A mixture of photos and information, the boards act as a record of the history of the burgh of Maxwelltown. Two benches complete the upgraded area.
Councillor Archie Dryburgh, Chair of Dumfries and Galloway Council’s Communities Committee said: “Our Council is committed to working with individuals and organisations to continue to make Dumfries and Galloway an inviting place to live, work, and visit. This project has made a significant improvement to the Maxwelltown area of Dumfries, and we look forward to working with the People’s Project in the future.”
Councillor John Campbell, Vice Chair of Dumfries and Galloway Council’s Communities Committee, added: “The works carried out by the People’s Project and our Council has not only improved the look and feel of the area, but also shone a light on the history of the Burgh of Maxwelltown. This will be a feature and point of interest for residents and visitors to the area for a long time to come.”
Mark Jardine, founder of the People’s Project said: “This has been a very positive example of collaborative working which involved many people from the People’s Project and Dumfries and Galloway Council working together. The upgrade is much appreciated by local people who live in Maxwelltown. It is amazing what can be done by having a shared vision, working together and having the determination to make a difference.”
Picture: Staff and volunteers at the Maxwelltown improvements.