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84 resources foundVolunteering Policies Guide
Guidance on foundational policies you should have in place for better volunteer performance.
DOWNLOADCommunity Delivery of Local Place Plans
This guide is designed to support your community through the process of developing a Local Place Plan.
CLICK TO VIEWCost of living crisis and volunteering
Managing your Volunteering Programme in a Cost of Living Crisis.
CLICK TO VIEWIntroduction to Governance Snapshot
Governance Snapshot offering concise, relevant, and practical information.
DOWNLOADVolunteering Snapshot
Volunteering Snapshot offering concise, relevant, and practical information.
DOWNLOADGovernance Handbook Example
All information within the trustee handbook should reflect the information in the organisation’s governing document.
DOWNLOADSeven ways to speed up your application for charitable status
Top tips to help you fill out your application correctly.
CLICK TO VIEWHow to choose the right charitable purposes for your organisation
Choosing the right charitable purposes for your organisation is vital to make sure you achieve charitable status.
CLICK TO VIEWYouthVIP Toolkit: Including Young Volunteers
The toolkit provides practical support and guidance for groups and organisations to include young volunteers.
DOWNLOADCommunity Shares
Interactive tool to guide you through every step of the process of issuing community shares.
CLICK TO VIEWCommunity-led action on vacant and derelict land
A handy guide to help communities bring unloved places back into use
CLICK TO VIEWExample treasurer role description
A guide to create a role description for a new board treasurer.
DOWNLOADExample secretary to the board role description
A guide to create a role description for a new board secretary.
DOWNLOADExample chair of board role description
A guide to create a role description for a new board chair.
DOWNLOADExample board member role description
A guide to create a role description for a new board member.
Website supporting and promoting the benefits of place and place-based working.
CLICK TO VIEWHuman Rights and Associated Words and Phrases guide
Information and glossary on organisations with connected duties and purposes.
CLICK TO VIEWApplying ethical research principles
A resource to support research active third sector organisations navigate ethical considerations.
CLICK TO VIEWVolunteering and claiming benefits
What to do if you claim benefits and do voluntary work
CLICK TO VIEWMen’s Sheds toolkit
A toolkit for the development and sustainability of Sheds in the UK and Ireland.
CLICK TO VIEWBusiness Plan Template
A comprehensive and detailed template to allow you to develop a business plan for your social enterprise.
DOWNLOADImpact Evaluation
How to develop and evaluation approach to make sure you are achieving your social aims.
DOWNLOADUndertaking Market Research
Some tools, techniques, and types of market research that a social enterprise might use.
DOWNLOADUnderstanding Your Market
How to define, test, and research your market in a meaningful way.
DOWNLOADTrading Subsidiary
What is a trading subsidiary and the things to consider about setting one up.
DOWNLOADThe Social Enterprise Code
A simple example of a code that can be used within your social enterprise.
DOWNLOADSWOT Analysis Template
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats analysis tool and how to create one.
DOWNLOADSimple Cost Benefit Analysis
How to generate a simple cost benefit analysis when considering spending money in your social enterprise.
DOWNLOADQuestionnaires And Surveys
Questionnaires and surveys: the differences and how to design them for meaningful results.
DOWNLOADProfit and Loss
An introduction to profit and loss, what they mean, how to calculate them, and why they are important.
DOWNLOADProblem Solving
An introductory problem-solving technique you can use within your social enterprise.
DOWNLOADLegal Structures For Social Enterprise
An overview of common legal structures for social enterprises, at a glance.
DOWNLOADPricing Your Product Or Service
What to consider and how to develop the pricing for your product or service.
DOWNLOADPresenting Your Ideas To Others
An introduction to presenting your ideas to others and points to consider.
What is PESTLE and how to use it to survey the external world in which your social enterprise operates.
DOWNLOADMeetings Visioning And Project Planning
A tool to help meetings, visioning, and project planning for your social enterprise.
DOWNLOADManaging Conflict
Common causes of conflict and resolution through compromise and problem solving.
DOWNLOADLeadership Styles
Example leadership styles that may be appropriate for you and your social enterprise.
DOWNLOADGrowth Plans
What is a growth plan and what should your social enterprises growth plan contain.
DOWNLOADGood Governance
The core principles of Good Governance in any social enterprise or charity.
What is Gift Aid, who can claim it, what can be claimed, and how to go about registering for it.
DOWNLOADFocus Groups
What are Focus Groups and how you can create them for the benefit of your social enterprise.
DOWNLOADFitting With Regional Economic Plans
Why it is important your social enterprises plans and projection fit in with regional economic plans.
DOWNLOADHealth, Safety, and Environment Risk Assessment
What do I need for Health, Safety and Environment when I first start my social enterprise.
DOWNLOADDeveloping Your Workforce
How to produce a comprehensive plan for the development of a social enterprise’s employees and volunteers.
DOWNLOADDeveloping New Products Innovation
What factors you need to consider when developing new products for your social enterprise.
DOWNLOADDeveloping Digital Capabilities
What digital capabilities does my social enterprise need, and what do I need to consider?