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84 resources foundDeveloping A Marketing Strategy
How to develop a Marketing Strategy that is appropriate for your social enterprise.
DOWNLOADDecide On A Bank Account
What to think about when setting up a bank account for your social enterprise.
DOWNLOADCreating A Positive Culture
Understanding your social enterprise’s culture, how to shape it and the factors that influence it.
What is collaboration and the behaviours and skills to achieve it in your organisation.
DOWNLOADBreak Even Point
How to calculate the point when your enterprise will reach the break-even.
DOWNLOADPlace Standard
The Place Standard tool is a way of assessing places – whether well-established, undergoing change, or being planned.
CLICK TO VIEWNational Standards for Community Engagement
Good-practice principles designed to improve and guide the process of community engagement. Link to Scottish Community Development Centre.
CLICK TO VIEWCommunity Asset Transfer – Summary
Summary guidance for community groups and organisations looking to take ownership of assets currently controlled by local authorities. Link to Scot Gov.
CLICK TO VIEWCommunity Asset Transfers
Procedure to transfer assets to community organisations wishing to take them over for the benefit of their community. Link to D&G Council.
CLICK TO VIEWSeven duties of a company director
These statutory duties are owed by each director to the company and form the basis of what being a company director is all about. Link to
CLICK TO VIEWFundraising Guidance
Guidance on the law around fundraising and how the self-regulation system works in Scotland and rest of the UK. Link to OSCR.
CLICK TO VIEWCharities and Trading
This Guide looks at the main ways a charity can trade and what charity trustees need to consider. Link to OSCR.
CLICK TO VIEWAnnual monitoring
It is a legal requirement for all charities to send a copy of their accounts to OSCR. What do you need to send?
CLICK TO VIEWChanges or reorganisation – what OSCR needs to know
Changes that need consent from OSCR, those that require notification, and others you can just make. Link to OSCR.
CLICK TO VIEWGood Governance
Discover the elements that, when handled properly, make for good governance in a charity or third sector organisation. Link to OSCR.
CLICK TO VIEWGuidance and good practice for Charity Trustees
Meet legal requirements, ensure your charity is well-run, and avoid some of the common problems that can arise. Link to OSCR
CLICK TO VIEWWhat is an Unincorporated Association?
Voluntary or unincorporated association: a further guide to help you decide on the structure of your organisation. Link to SCVO.
CLICK TO VIEWRoles and responsibilities of a Governing Body
A detailed guide to make yourself familiar with the duties and liabilities associated with the role of being on a Governing Body. Link to SCVO.
CLICK TO VIEWMeeting the charity test: Guidance
To be a Scottish charity or a charity registered in Scotland your organisation must pass the charity test. Link to OSCR.
CLICK TO VIEWScottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation: A Guide
Guidance aimed at anyone who is considering setting up a charity, particularly those interested in becoming a SCIO. Link to OSCR.
CLICK TO VIEWWhat it means to be a charity?
An organisation can only become a charity if it meets the ‘charity test’, meaning that it must show it has only charitable purposes and benefits the public. Link to OSCR.
CLICK TO VIEWDo you need to be a charity?
There are benefits that come with being a charity but you need to balance these against the legal obligations that come with being a charity.
CLICK TO VIEWBeing prepared: Planning for a crisis tool kit
This tool kit has been developed to help third sector organisations identify actions which need to be considered at different stages of a crisis.
DOWNLOADVolunteering Charter
The charter demonstrates a commitment to providing a safe, supportive environment for volunteers and recognises the value they bring to an organisation.
DOWNLOADVolunteering Strategy
The volunteering strategy documents how Third Sector Dumfries and Galloway will develop and support volunteering.
DOWNLOADVolunteering Strategy – Easy Read
Easy read version of Third Sector Dumfries and Galloway’s volunteering strategy.
DOWNLOADVolunteer Ready Action Plan
Make your organisation volunteer ready with this simple action plan and target dates for your organisation.
DOWNLOADAre You Ready Volunteer Checklist
Make sure you have everything in place if you are thinking of recruiting volunteers.
DOWNLOADVolunteer Role Description
A guide on for organisations on creating a Volunteer Role description and what details it should include.
DOWNLOADVolunteer Specification
The aim of a volunteer specification is to help make a good match between a person and a volunteering role.
DOWNLOADExample Volunteer Policy
The policy sets out the way an organisation recruits, manages, and values volunteers who support its work.
DOWNLOADVolunteer Agreement
An example of an agreement between a volunteer and a third sector organisation that can be tailored to suit.
DOWNLOADVounteer Induction Checklist
A checklist of what should be considered to help a third sector organisation welcome a volunteer successfully.