Dumfries and Galloway Council has given an update on the future of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund in the region, including a commitment to work with the third sector on grant processes.
The local authority has been informed of the UK Government’s decision to award funding under the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, based on its submitted Investment Plan.
The council will share the Investment Plan in due course.
The UK Shared Prosperity Fund succeeds the old EU structural funds and will invest in three local priorities; communities and place, support for local businesses and people and skills.
In Scotland, the UK Government is using existing strategic geographies and local authorities to draw on the insight and expertise of local partners, including businesses, the voluntary sector and Members of Parliament to target interventions where most appropriate
The confirmed award in Dumfries and Galloway for 2022/23 is £1.054m, with indicative allocations for 2023/24 of £1.769m and for 2024/25 of £3.973m, subject to conclusion of a Memorandum of Understanding and receipt of the formal offer letter.
Further details of how the Fund will be managed and distributed are being finalised and will be advised by the end of January 2023. Flexibility to carry forward unspent allocation is available, and the local authority has started dialogue with UK Government officials on this, in view of the timing of this award for 2022/23.
A statement from Dumfries and Galloway added: “The funding provided to the Council is to support delivery by the Council and our partners, including the community and voluntary sector, of the interventions set out in the submitted Investment Plan under the three UK SPF priorities of Communities and Place, Local Business and People and Skills. In addition, part of the funding is ring-fenced by UK Government for the provision of adult numeracy skills development under the Multiply programme.
“The interventions will require a mix of procured and commissioned delivery together with grant programmes. We will work closely with our partners, including Third Sector Dumfries and Galloway, to design grant processes which are transparent and inclusive, as well as fit for purpose in line with UK Government guidance. Further details on how organisations can get involved in delivery will be shared once finalised.”