LOCALS have celebrated the news of Stranraer securing £3 million for its ambitious Place Plan.
One of six projects to be given the green light is The Big Makeover which will see a number of interventions taking place to brighten the town.
Starting in April this year and delivered over the course of the next few years, The Big Makeover will priortise the cleaning up of the town, improving streets and alleyways with lighting and planting and cleaning up shop fronts.
In addition, street art will be used to bring new life to neglected spaces. It is all hoped the activity will bring an increased sense of pride to the community and make Stranraer town a more welcoming place to visit.

The Big Makeover concept was introduced during the development of the Stranraer Place Plan ‘All Rise on the Tide’ and following the successful BTIP funding application further refinement of the project is underway.
During the Vision and Action meeting, over 50 attendees were invited to express their preferences on three potential locations for The Big Makeover treatment: The Waterfront, North Strand Street and The Lewis Street/SunStreet pocket park.
With consideration to the project likely to have the biggest impact, the room prioritised the Waterfront as the most impactful and important location in the town; then North Strand Street for its strategic connection between waterfront and town centre shops/cafes and finally, the Lewis Street/Sun Street pocket park.
Harry Harbottle Vice Chair of Stranraer Development Trust and member leading on Place Plan delivery said: “Change is already underway in the town and it is anticipated that the success of this multi million pound bid should unlock more funds to regenerate Stranraer. Preliminary work on the projects has already begun and we would welcome more local people getting involved.
“We encourage people to be part of this regeneration and a very exciting time for the town. In order to ensure ongoing progress and timely delivery the Stranraer Development Trust is expanding its board and we are actively looking for new members’ Interested parties can contact us through the SDT Coordinator coord@stranraerdevelopmenttrust.co.uk.”
Christina Johnston, Facilities Manager/Project Coordinator from the Trust also encouraged people to go online via the Common Place platform to find out more and offer feedback, not just on The Big Makeover but on a range of live projects.
“We want locals to influence a whole range of changes coming in Stranraer. It takes just minutes to respond and folk can do it on their mobile. Every voice counts,” she added.
The survey on the Commonplace platform on the Place Plan pages of Stranraer 2 Development Trust can be accessed at https://creatingstranraer.commonplace.is/en-GB/proposals/introduction/step1
Main picture: Left to right, Nikki Marie Vjatschlav, Chair of the Town Team and lead on the Unexpected Garden; Harry Harbottle, Vice Chair of Stranraer Development Trust, the organisation leading the Place Plan project; Barbara Chalmers, who led the creation of the Place Plan with local people; Chris Churms, Borderlands (funders) and Janet Jones, Creative Stranraer. All pictures: Pete Robinson, PRImaging

The Big Makeover is one of six projects supported by funders, Borderlands Inclusive Growth Deal, who agreed a £3 million package in December. This funding could lever a further £9 million from other sources over the next decade to deliver Stranraer’s ambitious 10-year Place Plan to transform the town.
The Place Plan is titled All Rise on the Tide to emphasise that all Stranraer citizens should benefit from change. One in three locals – about 3,000 – had a hand in creating the Plan. Many turned out on chilly days throughout the winter months to take part and others exercised their democratic rights digitally.
The six projects should bring significant benefits to the town:
● 60,000 additional visitors to Stranraer a year
● 65 jobs created by these projects
● 15% increase in business turnover creating additional jobs
● 1,200m² of vacant and derelict sites brought back into use
● 100,000m² of enhanced public spaces.
Borderlands funding brings the total in the pipeline for Stranraer to around £50 million – taking into account projects that were underway when Place Planning started:
– Dumfries and Galloway Council’s transformation of the dilapidated George Hotel as a creative hub
– The Council’s expansion of the marina
– Siting a new marine research centre on Loch Ryan as part of the Solway Coast & Marine Project coastal restoration project.
– Stranraer Watersports Association is also about to put the fi rst shovel in the ground as building work begins on Stranraer Watersports Centre
– a promised £6 million from the Scottish Government for the East Pier.
The six projects:
1. East Pier Event Space – Create an eventspace on the East Pier; align to One Waterfront developments, Active Travel Hub, Coast to Coast Cycle Route.
2. Wet Weather Escapes – Develop indoor family fun in the town centre.
3. The Big Makeover – Transform the town centre. Improve streetscapes; create green spaces. Connect the town to the waterfront. Animate the town with street art.
4. Town Centre Living – Transform empty property for housing.
5. ‘Stanctuary’ Outdoor Nursery – Create an outdoor learning space in the 20 acre Black Stank rewilding project (help parents get into work; provide skills and placements for college students).
6. Wellbeing Hub – Dick’s Hill 4 – Develop a shared space for gardening, growing, food skills, social connection.