Dumfries and Galloway Poverty and Inequalities Team are launching a recruitment campaign for additional new members for its Tackling Poverty Reference Group.
The Tackling Poverty Reference Group is a regional group of Volunteers who have direct experience of poverty.
The group provide input from a “lived experience” perspective, to identify barriers there may be to participation, and to discuss how services can best work in partnership for the benefit of communities across Dumfries and Galloway.
The Group provides a reality check from this lived experience, and the opportunity for conversations with often hard to reach users across the range of services which affect poverty.
In 2021, the Group wrote a book looking at the highs and lows of their journey into making a difference to the lives of people living in poverty in Dumfries and Galloway. To read the book, please click here.
The Group currently meet on a monthly basis at Castle Douglas Community Centre, with inputs from Council Services, Third Sector organisations, NHS, and various other organisations.
There is also the opportunity to take part in training on themes such as Advocacy, Committee Skills, Equality & Diversity and much more. The meetings also provide opportunity for a blether over a nice lunch that is included for all Volunteers. There is opportunity for transport to be provided, or travel costs can be reimbursed.
The next few meeting dates are:
- Thursday 23rd February 2023 – 10.30am until 2pm
- Thursday 23rd March 2023 – 10.30am until 2pm
- Thursday 20th April 2023 – 10.30am until 2pm
If you are interested in joining this group, an Expression of interest form is available at the link to complete (Word document so may download automatically on some systems).
If you would like more information or would like to send a completed Expression of interest form please contact Linsey Little linsey.little@dumgal.gov.uk or Rebecca McClymont Rebecca.mcclymont@dumgal.gov.uk