Job Category: Committee member, board member, trustee

Company Directors [20609]

Sleeping Giants Community Development CIC is a social enterprise in the form of a community interest company (company number SC557276) and regulated under UK company law by Companies House. We are seeking volunteers to join our Board of Directors. The board member will be responsible for overseeing the strategic development and fulfilment of Sleeping Giants… Read more »

Trustees [20603]

Annan Harbour Action Group

We are looking for committed individuals to enhance the range of Trustee skills, as well as to consolidate existing skills with an eye to succession planning. We require dynamic and motivated people who are excited by developing the full potential of AHAG.

Trustee [20595]

Join a great group of people who lead a charity supporting those living with M.E./C.F.S, Fibromyalgia and Long Covid. There are currently 3 members of staff so your role would purely be sharing ideas and steering the charity towards better supporting our members. Primarily we would expect you to attend 4 board meetings a year… Read more »

The Crichton Trust trustee [20570]

The Crichton Trust

The Crichton Trust is an innovative social enterprise based in the South of Scotland. We are looking to recruit up to four new Trustees to join us in leading The Crichton through our next exciting phase. We are looking for committed individuals to enhance the range of Trustee skills, as well as to consolidate existing… Read more »

Board Members [20561]

Independent Living Support

Independent Living Support promotes independent living and resilience skills to improve the life chances of an individuals. We support 16 plus age group helping with basic skills such as budgeting, personal care, relationship and communication building, learning and employability. We deliver our work through one-to-one and group settings. ILS are looking for a Board member… Read more »

Board Member [20539]

Following a very successful International Street Food festival last year, we are launching a new Community Interest Company to make this an annual event. We want to demonstrate how much our area benefits from having people of different backgrounds and cultures enrich our society. The festival is a mix of community groups whom we help… Read more »

Trustee [20538]

A Listening Ear

A listening Ear provides a befriending service to people who are isolated or lonely, offering friendship, signposting, information and referral to other appropriate agencies. A Listening Ear is an open access service serving the communities of Dumfries and Galloway. As a Charity Trustee you have an important and valuable role to play in governing our… Read more »

Board Trustee [20534]

Home-Start logo

This is an opportunity to become involved in the foundation and development of a new Home-Start charity in Dumfries. Home-Start is an organisation whose volunteers offer regular support, friendship and practical help to young families under stress in their own homes, or as groups, and helping to prevent family crisis or breakdown. More information is… Read more »

Trustee [20507]

We are looking for new volunteer trustees to join our Board of Directors in Dumfries Could you provide: • General business management experience? • Financial or legal experience? • IT knowledge? • Human Resources experience? • PR or media skills? • Company secretarial skills? • Knowledge of sports related management? • Trustee or Director experience?… Read more »

Vice chair [20499]

Bump Baby and Beyond logo

As a Trustee, you and your fellow Trustees on the Board have the ultimate responsibility for running Bump, Baby and Beyond – for its property, finances and the employment of any staff or volunteers. Although you can delegate some of your authority to staff or other volunteers, you can never delegate your responsibility. The role… Read more »

Management Committee Member [20492]

Dumfries and Galloway Befriending Project logo

Our Management Committee meet six times per year and are responsible for the strategic management of the Project.

Treasurer [20493]

Heathhall Community Centre

Treasurer for busy Community Centre to keep accounts and attend monthly committee meetings. There will be some cash handling but the majority of transactions will be online. The volunteer will also produce yearly accounts in October.

Trustee [20400]

Wigtownshire Women and Cancer

We want to recruit two new Trustees to help us lead our organisation in this new venture and continue to do the tasks we know make a difference to our community to improve the quality of lives of people affected by cancer: Making collective decisions to ensure the organisation is run well. Helping to organisation… Read more »


Dumfries and Galloway Mental Health Association

Dumfries and Galloway Mental Health Association is a long established successful local mental health charity, providing care, support and accommodation in the form of supported or residential to people across Dumfries and Galloway, who have been assessed as requiring our support. Supporting people who use our services to lead an improved quality of life, mental… Read more »

Trustee/Treasurer [20457]

Kate's Kitchen logo

Volunteer Trustee Treasurer to oversee financial record keeping and reporting at Kate’s Kitchen. Role is fully supported by professional Accountants, a bookkeeper and charities General Manager. Keep proper accounting records, prepare statement of accounts including activities, independently examined, audited. Copy of accounts and annual return to OSCR. Disabled access and parking available.

Trustee [20447]

Robert Burns Ellisland Trust

The trust are looking to recruit a trustee to join the board. The trust would particularly welcome a new trustee with a legal background. The Robert Burns Ellisland Trust, a new trust formed in 2020 manages the house and farm as a museum and is supported by volunteers.

Trustee/Board Member [20372]

Dumfries and Galloway Care Trust logo

Dumfries and Galloway Care Trust provides supported real life work placements to adults 16+ with additional support needs. We do this through our gardening in the community and woodwork projects. We are looking for three new Trustees/Board Members to join us to help to continue the invaluable service we provide and contribute to developing plans… Read more »

Board/Trustee/Committee/Director [18958]

Dumfries and Galloway Advocacy Service is a Registered Charity and Company Limited by Guarantee. To be a Trustee in our organisation is an exciting and fulfilling role.  We feel that our Board benefits from recruiting individuals from a diverse range of backgrounds, experiences and skillsets. The role of our Trustees is to ensure that Dumfries… Read more »

Volunteer Board Director [20339]

Annandale Community Transport Services

Summary of role Board Directors have responsibility for Annandale Community Transport Service’s (ACTS) legal duties and for ensuring the organisation is properly managed and provides the services it was set up to deliver. ACTS has four community cars and four minibuses currently used to transport residents to routine hospital appointments both within the region and… Read more »